Legal details

équi-libre au moulin
Le Moulin de Crupies
245, Route de Bourdeaux
Daniela & Hansruedi Rohrbach
F-26460 Crupies

Tel.: ++33 (0)4 75 53 39 16
Mobil: ++33 (0)6 44 32 97 29
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Director: Daniela & Hansruedi Rohrbach
Register-Number: 79101175
VAT-Number: FR 17 791011075

Responsibility remarks

In spite of very careful checking of the content, we can't take any responsibility about the content of external linked webpages. The responsibility therefor is mainly by the dedicated carrier.

Informations to Website
This Website can run on following Browser:
- Internet Explorer Version 7.0 (IE 6.x with constriction in design)
- Firefox
- Google Chrome
- Safari
- Opera


Pictures for design of this Website
Daniela & Hansruedi Rohrbach

and Yolanda Bohler professional photographer

Data privacy protection note
We advise that we will do a stastistic analyse with Google Analytics. We ensure that any data will be used just for our own purpose. None data will be comunicated or transmitted toward an other party. As we handle it with customer- and contactdata.